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Here you will find clans or people who have allied with us...

ZW - Z Warriors
Leader: ZW_Gohan
This is probably our closest and most trusted
allie, their leader is one of my best net friends
and the layout on his site is just amazing, check this clan out!

DBS - Dragon Ball Saiyans
Leader: DBS_Vegetto
This is another close allie, their leader is cool
and so are their members, very nice page and nice
affiliate button Vegetto! ;-)

SK - Saiyan Knights
Leader: SK_Gohan
This is another good clan, the leader originally
wanted to join ZF but instead took his own road to
leading this great clan, I admire him for a job well done.

KoA - Knights of Apacolyps
Leader: KoA_MasterLord
This clan is another pretty good clan, their site
is good and their members are nice guys too, they
are a good clan, check them out.

USS - Ultimate Super Saiyans
Leader: USS_SSJ4Goku
This clan is a pretty close allie and their page
is pretty good but a bit laggy, they have quite a
few members and the leader is a pretty good guy.

DBZM - Dragon Ball Z Masters
ZF and DBZM have had their differences but
hopefully we could put all that stuff behind us,
they have an excellent page and a nice leader and
group, they ahve a DBZ RPG for JK so go check that out!

DBTF - Dragon Ball Task Forces
Leader: DBTF_SSGoku
We arent as close with this clan as we can or want
to be but from past experiences I can say this is
a very good non DBZ mod clan!

DBSS - Dragon Ball Super Saiyans
Leader: DBSS_Gohan
This is a pretty good clan, the leader is really
cool, one of my best net friends, cograts on your
wedding too!

USF - Ultimate Saiyan Forces
Leader: USF_MiraiTrunks
This is a pretty good clan, they have an alright
page and the leader is a really cool guy, check
these guys out!