What's New


Fixed a few more broken links. Added a new directory for sharing screenshots from the MotS server I host most weekends at Please see the forum link for details!


Clocking in to fix up some things. Numerous broken links "fixed" with the Wayback Machine. Sadly many of these old pages would be gone forever had it not been for this. At least you can get a glimpse of some of these pages, including the fond farewells or last incarnations of them before they disappeared. In other cases I've updated the links to the newest surviving version. I'm always open to suggestions of course. I've also been working on adding "submissions" to various sections on stuff I've learned or that was missing from the original site. Thanks for the memories! I'll do more of this when I get time, since certain projects have gotten me interested in JK/MotS again (even if I have less time to play games these days), such as those found at JK Editing Hub and the dedicated server at JKDF2.net. Feel free to send me any useful info, files, or links here.


Another Update to Where to Play section added to reflect new Qtracker website.


Update to Where to Play section added.


Go check out The JMC Jedi/MotS Webring. Join up if you have a Jedi Knight or MotS related web site! JMC also sent in some comments/suggestions for saber play. Thankssss JMC!


Yes, that's right...an update. Praetorean sent in a tip on Chain Lightning - MotS ~ Force Star.

I also received a well written article on guns (something which really isn't covered very well here). Big thankssss to Allegro.

Eddy Currents wrote a very nice FAQ/Multiplayer guide which was posted on the main jk.net page a while back. A must read. Confessions of a Light Jedi: Eddy's JK Multiplayer Strategy Guide


Hey, I just edited my setup a bit. That's about it. I'm also playing with the main page, but I've got to get to bed. Where are those submissions?!?!

04.27.98 ~ Strategy Forum at jk.net

Forgot one

I finally whittled my email inbox down to a few messages. I found yet another submission from Jodo Kast that was missed when posting the last batch. This one is on Light vs Dark.

The ZONE expands it's horizons

Stole this from Jeff W. (news on the main site)...The Internet Gaming Zone (known to us vets as the ZONE) now allows you to enter their gaming rooms using Netscape's Navigator.

04.18.98 ~ check out the strat forum on jk.net!

It's about time!

Hey, I'm here, I'm alive...all is well (well, except for a few things...but let's not get into that). I haven't been playing much JK lately. Too many other things going on. I would like to give a shout-out to Stryker for totally whooping me in a guns game the other night. Out of all the strategies given here, the best one is to play a lot. I don't care how much you know...if you want to be good, practice makes perfect.

JK Ladder!

There's a new ladder in town, and the name is The Jedi Knight Destiny. If you luv that good old one on one combat, this is the place for you. Congrats Adrenaline on your new host. (JediNights.com archived )

BSE Tournament this weekend

The folks over at the JK division of The Black Sun Empire are hosting a CTF/KFY tourney (Flags, Fools, 'N Fun) starting today.

Submissions and updates

Received submissions for MotS~Misc and Light vs Dark (article by ReidBold) sections. I also updated a couple of the MotS sections (Force Star and Weapons) adding the answers to my questions on the message board (see news from 04.04.98).

Submit form offline

I had to yank the submission form due to tech difficulties. Basically it isn't sending the submissions to the correct email address. Please send any comments, submissions, suggestions to [email protected] (as always).


New message forum for strategies! ~ 3:00 PM EST

Three cheers for Trail who put up a strategy forum at jediknight.net !!! - Skills and Game Play


Where to Play - added the Galactic Armed Forces to the Leagues section
Setup - Praetorean had time to deliver his keyboard/mouse setup
Advanced Saber - the honorable Kurgan added his thoughts to this section
Dark vs Dark - LordMinkuS gives his suggestions when fighting a battle of evil
Finally a HUGE thankssss to Jodo Kast who submitted strategies for all 5 of the Dark side sections. Go check it out!

I'm Back! ~ 2:35 am EST

I may be living out of boxes, but I've got my computer setup and ready. Spent most of tonight getting to know my new connection. I've received quite a few submissions since I've been gone and I'll get them posted asap. I've got way too much to catch up on.

MotS question #1 and 2 answered

If you've been checking out the messageboard here at jediknight.net, you'll know that there have been some serious strategy posts going on. I've lost some of my notes in the move, but here are some of the highlights... #1 - Force Seeing does protect you from a Flash Bomb if used before the attack. #2 - Persuasion does NOT protect you from a Seeker Rail. In fact, it seems that is the big question for MotS. What is a good counter for Seeker Rails?? Most "veteran" Jedi use the "duck around a corner" technique or just Force Jump and hope the rail doesn't follow. Drop me a line if you have any more ideas!

MotS problem when hosting rotating levels

I hosted a MotS game and minimized it...when I came back, I found that the map did not change. It seems the timer on the "frag screen" was waiting for me. I haven't had a chance to fully test this, but any info on how I can host a "rotating" server without personally being there would be much appreciated.


Problem update

I found out tonight that my POP (that's the number I dial into for my ISP) has been having problems and is now down...at least it wasn't a problem with my computer. A very friendly customer service rep named Laura over at Netcom was kind enough to give me a couple of free hours on their 800 line so I could get my email and update a bit. Please read yesterdays news...since it was also just uploaded tonight.

Since I've had a lack of submissions, I plan to head for the message board for strategies. I've made a list of questions about MotS and will post them here and there. My first question is...Does Force Seeing protect you from a Flash Bomb??


Connection Problems

I spent over an hour on Saturday trying to connect to my ISP. I have reinstalled the communications portion of Win95 too many times. It seems I have a 1 in 100 chance of connecting. I was able to connect once on Sat and once today. Still no submissions :-( and since I haven't played JK or MotS in over a week, I don't have much to add. I'll be moving next week and with that move comes a wonderful thing...cable modem. Hopefully with that I'll be able to test a lot of the strategies that are running through my brain. I probably won't update until I'm at my new apt with my new connection...I can't wait.


I went through and made some small changes to some of the pages (mostly text shrinking) and updated/deleted some links. I've also put up the base pages for the Dark sections...still hoping for some assistance in that area. I did receive one submission for the MotS - Personalities section...thanx CotF_LSkywalker.

Qtracker: version 2.02 is out and is mainly a maintenance release. The_DM has also added MotS mapshots as a separate download...check it out!!


MotS Personalities section is complete and now all I need is some submissions!! :-) I'm sure I've forgotten some things so if you have anything to add, please drop me a line.

Tournaments: added the link for the next BSE saber only tourney.

The second section, MotS-Weapons, is up and I hope to finish the others later today.


I thought I would have been able to get all of the MotS sections completed last night and boy was I wrong. I've got the first one done for now. I'll hopefully finish by the end of this weekend. Feel free to send a submission my way even though some sections are incomplete. I'm also still looking for some Dark side info (see news from 02.18.98).

Oh, the_DM released v2.01 of Qtracker. If you've been having problems getting server updates, this should fix it.


Tournaments: added a few more. Seems like tourneys are popping up left and right which is great to see.

Where to Play: added links to the new JK and MotS server boards here at jk.net. These new boards will be used with the new version (2.0) of Qtracker due out tonight!!


Congrats to FOG and GS on their victory in BSE's Clash of the Clans tourney this past weekend. Check out the my Tournament page or the Black Sun Empire site for more info.

It looks like the Dark sections will go on hold until I can get the MotS sections complete. I have received exactly 0 submissions on either of these subjects so it may take me a while to compile information.


Where to Play: added the new message boards found at JediKnight.Net, fixed URL to the IP board at EchoBase, and added a Kali player group called The Gathering.

Tournaments: received email concerning a tourney called "The Best of the Best" which is set for March 6th and after.

As for the new sections here, I will be unable to get things going until this weekend. I was recently promoted at work and my usual lifestyle has changed drastically. Basically I now have a "real job" (meaning Mon-Fri). Before this I was getting in about 5 hours per day (night) at the computer, now I can barely squeeze 1 hour during the week. All this means is that my main updates will come on the weekends. I will definitely have time to post submissions during the week though, so please keep sending them in!!

Submissions needed for Dark side:

As for MotS, I called all the software dealers in my area and they don't have it!! ACK! :-( But don't let this stop you from sending in strategies for multiplayer MotS. I can't wait to kill the guy with the salami...hehe.


Qtracker v1.6 has been released! Head over to the Qtracker Homepage to find out what's new and get the updated program.

Overload over at the STF (Stormtrooper Training Facility) is looking for trainers. If the Force runs strong within your veins and you would like to train others in the ways of the Force, stop by and drop him a line.


As you can see we are going through some renovations here at the "Station". I've changed a few things including the title of this site. I changed the font in hopes of making the text easier to read. The buttons in the contents have been removed to avoid a long scroll and to help loading time.

I've added Dark side strategy sections! I have been tempted by the Dark side as many Jedi have, but I do not know it's true power. I am calling on the Sith to submit their strategies and make this site complete as a strategy resource for Jedi Knight.

Please be patient as it will take me a few days to complete these new sections and get everything working properly. During this "renovation" I have edited some of the Light side sections. This editing will be an ongoing process until the Dark side sections are complete.

I've also added a MOTS section which will be up in about 2 weeks (assuming it is released next week as scheduled).

The_DM is planning a release a new version of Qtracker this weekend.

The really big news today is that JediKnight.Net is now being hosted by BluesNews!! If that doesn't rock your socks off, nothing will. They are still in the transfer process right now so be patient.

Finally for those who have been living in a cave for the past few days, LucasArts has released a demo version of MOTS. Links to this SINGLE PLAYER ONLY demo can be found on the main/news page of JediKnight.Net.

Previous news has been moved to separate page.