pic by DrEaMs DoA


I'm not going to make a big deal out of this but I am stepping down from my position here as soon as I feel the "new" JKMAG is fully done and my new staff is ready to handle things on their own. So if you're into JKMAG enough that you actually read this, contact me as I'm gonna have to find a replacement webmaster pretty soon....and if you're already on the staff don't ask for this job if your site isn't even on the server yet 8oP



Besides the whole deal with the forum, I am working on a new JKMAG page, the Master Tracker of all JK editing projects ya'll'll want to keep tabs on.



Whew, the bulk of the move is over. What remains? Besides anything that involves cgi (namely the forum), we're waiting on a couple sects, the ladders, the level profiles, and JEDIT needs cleaned up. Sounds like a lot, huh? Well still, most of the move is behind us. After that's all done, it's back to fantasizing about new JKMAG features. And maybe I'll get to earn my editing wings, I still owe a level or two.



Now what? You can all yell at me for the memberlist getting moldy, I can't get my tootin' script to work yet. The Ultimate Manowar pack will be out later than the other two, I haven't heard from ANY of the authors yet, and I'm trying to get some weapons to work with it...the power saber and the rocket launcher, I figured Manowar didn't have enough weapons as it stands.



Well well well, aint this sweet. Plans? The OFFICIAL JKMAG level packs...gunz, saber AND Manowar 2...will be out before you can say "[whine] where are they? [more whine]." Sorry hehe. Also, I'm working on pagers for the sects so you can send a challenge via ICQ from a sect page that is ONLY seen by members of that sect, and only those who are online at that. Other than that, my work is mostly behind the scenes for now.