CTF / KFY Patches

Here is a list of CTF / KFY related addons that we have collected. If you have any GOOD ones please e-mail me.

Updated 01/24/99 at 6:10pm

The Addons/Patches Section has been rearranged into catagories.

Get Patch Commander Now! JKPatch_v40.exe JK Patch Commander 4.0 final (Klein, 1.1MB):

JediKnight Patch Commander, works with JK and MOTS. This is a fast and easy way to run JK addons/mods (commonly called "patches") in GOB format and MOTS patches in GOO format. An addon ESSENTIAL. It also allows one to access "patch repositories" (a "coming soon" feature) as well as create your own Gob files.

Be sure to check out all the sections for many great Teamplay addons!

>AntiCheat Tools<

>Grapple Hooks<

>Team Conversions<

>Team Levels<

>Team Skins<