General patch How To Documentation


I get a lot of emails on how to activate patches and what they do. In this documentation, I will give the steps on how to easily and effectively use them. There are 2 parts: Getting Started and Playing with Patches on the Zone.

If you need help for the MotS Phantom Menace skinpack, you can view the Readme HERE.

Getting Started


Playing with patches on the Internet Gaming Zone:

The number one place to play Jedi Knight and MotS multiplayer is on the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone located at This site allows for easy and quick access to multiplayer Jedi Knight and MotS games. You may be asking: How do I use patches on the Internet Gaming Zone?? Its easy. Listen up young Jedi,


Whew!!! That was a long one. I hope this documentation was of help and makes the whole patching process alot easier. Its been great, but I have to go.

And remember this: May the patch be with you!!


                                                                                     Copyright TegSkywalker 1999