Sylvicolus : Jedi Knight Level Design

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Sylvicolus Level Design
For additional links relating to COGs go to COG Links.

The Massassi Temple The Massassi Temple -- The place to be for level editing. Everything and anything about Jedi Knight and related. Great arsenal of tutorials, very active forums, levels, mods, mats, 3DOs, and the rest.
The Admiral's Command Chamber The Admiral's Command Chamber -- The best site focused on Single Player levels. They have an outstanding collection of levels and reviews, as well as editing resources, articles, and their own useful forums. I am most active at this site.
JED at Code Alliance Code Alliance - Makers of JED -- Simply the best! JED 0.951 is listed on their JediKnight Utility page. Grab other utilities there as well.
You can also get JED and other programs at Massassi Temple.
JK Specs from Code Alliance Jedi Knight Unofficial Specs has all the details on the coding of Jedi Knight files.
MikeC website Have Lightsaber Will Travel -- MikeC, a regular at Massassi Temple, has good editing and troubleshooting sections at his website.
Outpost D-34 Outpost D-34 -- Star Wars Gaming Site. (recently moved servers)
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Sylvicolus : Jedi Knight Level Design
1 November 2002